MELVIN ANDERSONClick Pic for Photo Montage
Tracy Palmer - Stop by Tracy's site for some inspiration and purchase her new book Once Upon a Time In Heaven |
NOTE: If you previously signed my guestbook prior to May 2012, please do me the kindness of Signing again, as the old book was taken offline before I had the opportunity to retrieve the messages and queries. RECOMMENDED PAGESON THIS SITE
Forsyth County, Georgia Indenture Record Images Grand Chain Cemetery, Ranney Hill is the focus of a documentary on historic cemeteries in Southernmost Illinois. Click here to learn more. I also have a transcription and photos of the stones in the cemetery, go to the Ranney webpage now.
Current opportunities I have learned about, ie. jobs, scholarships, etc.
Madison and St. Clair counties in Illinois are my focus for this year. Check out my progress on documenting the genealogies and histories of these two counties.
Must Visit Links
Hi, I'm Deb Davis your hostess for this site. The primary focus here is genealogy. You will find some of my research which began in Pulaski County, Illinois and has lead to many other counties in Illinois as well as other states such as Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, and Tennessee. Information on the surnames that I am researching, my genealogy search, success stories, links to interesting sites and much more. MY GOAL IS for this site to become a major resource of providing free information of a historical and genealogical nature for Pulaski County Illinois and other areas that I am actively researching. My hope is that this site will be a great starting site for genealogy research on the internet. My focus is on Illinois African Americans and Pulaski County, Illinois. There are transcriptions of records, biographies, etc. of all nationalities as well as links that will be of value to all genealogist and family history researchers for many states. The Grand Chain Gang are my ancestors that established their roots in Pulaski county shortly after slavery and their branches. The pages below are about my ancestors who mostly settled in Grand Chain, Illinois in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Grand Chain is located almost as deep south in Illinois as you can go in Pulaski County just 30 miles north of Cairo. Most of the pages have the family tree for each surname, mysteries I am trying to solve and links to documents and researchers pertaining to the surname.
Click the State you are interested in.
Mailist and Groups
I manage several groups that you might consider joining. I am also a member of several other interesting groups. - I encourage you to join this group which objective is to collect all the inspirational mail floating around the web. This group can help greatly in unclogging your mailbox. - To coordinate the resources for researching African ancestry in the state of Illinois. WHO CAN ADD THINGS
TO THIS SITE. Everyone is invited to provide information to be included at this site as long as it meets the criteria above. The goal of this site is to provide free historical and genealogical documents of Pulaski County. Please consider donating any documents, pictures information you have to this site. Or if you would like to add your surnames or list your website, just send me an e-mail message. Please feel free to
link to my pages, but do not claim mine nor any of the other work
donated by other researchers to this site as your own. I hope you find
something here that will aid you in your personal research. The
materials in these pages are the property of the persons who donated
them to this site. All material here is copyrighted 1997, 1998, 1999.
This material may be freely printed or downloaded for personal use.
Neither the materials themselves nor any link to these pages may appear
in any book or collection for sale or at a Website which charges a fee
for access. Should you find these materials being offered for sale by
anyone other than the copyright holder, please inform myself and/or the
copyright holder at once. E-mail me if you can add a link to the Grand Chain Gang. Also, please be sure to sign my guest book before you leave and list your surnames. Perhaps, another visitor might have a connection.
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