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Looking for FEATHERS and WASHINGTON family connections. Harrison FEATHERS married my 3rd gr-grandmother Lucinda WASHINGTON. Harrison FEATHERS was born February 01, 1834 in Woodville, Mississippi; died March 26, 1886 in Grand Chain, Pulaski County, Illinois. Lucinda was born about 1825 in Louisiana and was probably from near the Woodville area. Her death date is unknown. They lived in Pulaski County, Illinois by the time of the 1870 census.
They had one known child together, Henderson FEATHERS born 1873 in Illinois. I would like to find more about him and his descendents. The step-son of Harrison FEATHERS was was my 2nd gr-grandfather William (Wash, Willis) WASHINGTON born 1845 in Louisana. William WASHINGTON’S children were Addie (1872), Willis (1873), Aaron (1875), Ester (1877), and Marion WASHINGTON (1878). Willis and Aaron’s lines are the only one I have had any amount of success tracing.
I would love to hear from anyone with information. You can find more on my families as well as links to other Feathers researchers at
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