Spelling Variations
The Alexander family I am researching married into the McClelland family. My gr-aunt Ella McClelland married Thomas Alexander about 1894 probably in Illinois. Thomas Alexander was born 1848 in Tennessee probably in Henry County. I have located the family once in the 190 census with nine year old son George. I am curious to know if he was Ella's son. Thomas marries again by 1910 which also leaves me wondering if Ella died or divorced him. I would be grateful if anyone could help me solve this mystery. ALEXANDER WEBSITESTo have your website appear here, please e-mail me.
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ALEXANDER QUERIESTo have your Alexander query appear here, please e-mail me.
I would like to find additional information on George and Ella Alexander of Grand Chain in Pulaski County, Illinois. George was born 1848 in Tennessee, probably Henry County. His
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