Deb DavisWell, I'll get back to the genealogy shortly, but let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Deborah Davis and I live in the country in the rapidly growing town of Edwardsville, in the state of Illinois along with my husband James H. Davis, Jr. Edwardsville is the county seat of Madison County, Illinois. We have a grown children Marquis, Aisha, Yakira and Yoshi. And of course our Grandchildren, William Scott, Jr., Shayla, Jada and Jordan Davis and Tywan and Tyree Sims. Our second grandchild Jahlen Michael Davis is now an angel playing in heavens playgrounds and gardens. OCCUPATIONS I am a IT Specialist for The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. My husband is an Electrician at U.S. Steel Here we are on Our Wedding Day. SPIRITUALITY We attend Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Alorton, Illinois, pastored by Reverend Doctor Rodney J. Howlett. Our church has just recently put our website on-line. Why not check it out and let the webmistress know what you think. Here is another page with some pretty good Bible study links Omni List of Bibles, Studies & Devotionals. View my other Christian bookmarks. Please send me e-mail and let me know what you think of this site. And don't forget to leave your surnames in my guest book, you never know another visitor just might be a relative.
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