A Time to be Concerned and Care: Call to Action
Dear Family and Friends,
I am writing to ensure my network is aware of the atrocious events going on in Jena, Louisiana. Friends I urge you to support the cause that I am writing about. Let’s begin by sending prayers up to the most High. We need Him to preside and to rule in this situation. Six youth are basically being railroaded by a court system which has allowed Jim Crow to raise his devilish horns. We can not allow this to be a victory to the devil. Every one of us can help make a difference.
I am writing to ensure my network is aware of the atrocious events going on in Jena, Louisiana. I was so upset when I heard about this and the sentencing passed down to one of the affected youths that I decided to make others aware and to send my financial support. That being said, I would like to challenge my network to take action, too. When I heard the story, I couldn’t help but think this could be my son, grandson, nephew, etc. I challenge you all to learn more and take whatever action God lays on your heart.
- Here is a small excerpt of what has happened. This is from the Democracy Now website.
JORDAN FLAHERTY: Yes. Yesterday nearly 300 people rallied and marched in small town Jena, Louisiana, calling for freedom for the Jena Six. The Jena Six are six high school students who are facing a lifetime in prison for a schoolyard fight. The case began with nooses hung from a tree at Jena High School nearly a year ago. Racial tension escalated in the town, which is 85% white, after the nooses were hung. The black students led a protest after noose incident. Nearly every black student at Jena High School stood under the tree. The town district attorney, Reed Walters, came to the school and told black students, “Stop making trouble. I can make your lives disappear with the stroke of a pen.” One weekend last December, two black students were beaten by a group of white students. Later, a group of black students were threatened with a shotgun by a white former student. Whites were not punished for the noose incident or these other incidents, but the following Monday when a white student was beaten up by black students in a schoolyard fight, six black students, the Jena Six, were arrested and charged with attempted murder. Protesters -------------------------------- This can not and should not be ignored. We can’t turn our heads to racism. There is strength in numbers and our help is needed. I challenge you all to do whatever you can. Forward the email and send a few dollars to help with the legal costs.
I urge everyone to somehow offer your support of this situation. Remember the 60’s when our people stood strong and together to defend our right to justice. We need the same thing right now and the situation seems desperate. These young men are being railroaded. Any of them could easily be our relative.
Some ways we can help is by signing the petition to the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. or
We can also contact our senators and congressmen. Call the Louisiana State’s Attorney 202-224-3121. We need to make our voices heard that we want true justice.
I am providing links to some of the coverage I found on the internet. - Daily updates surrounding the case. Contains links to support sites. This is Michael Baisden’s site who has been covering it everyday this week. He has also put together a March on Jena on Sept. 20 when the next youth is supposed to go to trial. Al Sharpton, Martin Luther King III, Iylanya Vanzant and Tony Brown are also very involved and supporting this cause.,,2083762,00.html#article_continue
Let’s help make a difference in these young peoples lives.
Humbly submitted, Deb
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